Grace-Filled Events

Sunday, April 5, 2015

A Grace-Filled Bake Sale

Over and over again, Kyle and I continue to be amazed by the generosity of our community and beyond.  And this weekend's "Grace-Filled Bake Sale" was no different.

These awesome volunteers put together a "Grace-Filled Bake Sale!"
Several months ago, my friend, Dana Guinn, e-mailed to say she and her mom and mother-in-law were interested in hosting a bake sale for Grace.  I thought it was a great idea for a fundraiser and to help raise awareness for INAD.

They decided to host the bake sale on Easter weekend in front of Dollar General. With a flyer all set to go, the bake sale was set for Saturday, April 4.  The flyer, with a darling picture of our family was sent home with Grace's preschool friends and distributed to many of the area churches.  And of course, we put an ad in the paper!

Lois gave Grace a new purple stuffed bear to snuggle.
As the day grew closer, people would stop us to tell us what they were making, and we were humbled that so many people wanted to participate.

Someone really liked her new bear!
I didn't get to go at the start because Grace was still asleep, but mom and dad went and said there was a huge crowd and six tables full of donated homemade baked goods.  People were buying things almost as fast as they were putting them out.

Grace loved seeing everyone at the bake sale.
Grace finally woke up around 9:30, and we headed to Dollar General to buy some sweet treats.  When we got there, we were so surprised to see they only had a table and a half of items left (but still plenty to choose from).  Dana's mother-in-law gave Grace a stuffed purple teddy bear, which she immediately snuggled, as well as a hand decorated purple and white teddy bear cake, which was almost too pretty to eat. Another shopper brought a special Easter Bunny basket of cupcakes to donate, and then bought it back to give to Grace.  

Dana and Hazel came to see Grace at the bake sale!
Grace and I stayed at the bake sale about 45 minutes or so, and really enjoyed visiting with everyone. We feel so blessed that so many people love our little Grace and take such good care of her!

Cousin Stef came ALL the way from Philadelphia for the bake sale!
But the icing on the cake so to speak, was a text message from Dana later that afternoon. She texted to tell me that bake sale made . . . wait for it, $2,000. Our community is just amazing.  And you continue to prove that over and over and over again.  

Grace couldn't wait to eat her teddy bear cake!
So, from the very bottom of our hearts, we offer our thanks to everyone who participated or helped at the bake sale in any way.  Thanks for joining our "Grace-Filled Journey."


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