We continue to be blessed (over and over again) but the generosity and the love our community has to offer. Tonight at the paper, some kind soul left an anonymous card in the front door with a dining out gift certificate, a massage gift certificate and three smooth stones with the words "Grace" "Faith" and "Expect a Miracle." We are so truly humbled by the outpouring of love from our family and the unending support of our friends.
Earlier this fall, I got a message on Facebook from Jessica Furness asking if the Hillsboro Junior High School boys and girls basketball teams could do a T-shirt fundraiser for Grace. I agreed, and then didn't think much else about it.
Cheering for the Dragons and Hoops for Grace! |
Until a few weeks ago when a photo of the new shirts popped up on my Facebook wall. In black and green, they were really sharp, with our new favorite phrase, "Beat INAD." I couldn't wait to get one, and I was even more excited to find out they came in the hoodie variety too!
We got our orders in and were all set to go to both a boys and a girls basketball game this week.
Check out the awesome new Grace shirts! |
On Monday night, when the girls played, Aunt Mikaela brought cousin Quincy down for the game, and Grandma Kim joined us too. We had fun in the stands (once Quincy decided it was okay for people to cheer). I got Quincy snuggles, and Grace loved snugging with Aunt Mikaela.
Between the seventh and eighth grade games, they invited us down to the floor with the eighth grade girls team. They gave us a check for $650 from their team's challenge, and we promised to come back on Tuesday night for the boys game.
Hanging out with Quincy and Aunt Mikaela at the game! |
Since Kyle had to go to a City Council meeting, Grace and I went to the game with Grandpa John, who took photos for us. It was another couple of fun games. This time, between games, the Assistant Principal gave us a check for $800 from the boys' teams, who ended up winning the fundraising challenge.
The eighth grade girls presenting their check for the fundraiser. |
On Friday, the boys will be treated to a pizza and ice cream party after basketball practice for their hard work. We were delighted they invited us as well, but we already have tickets to a soccer game in St. Louis, so we hope they will have an extra slice for us.
Assistant Principal Don VanGiesen presented us with a check from the boys teams. |
And though the boys team came out on top in the challenge, the real winner is the INAD research study at Washington University. We can't wait to take our BIG donation to the school in December. Keep posted for an update. You won't want to miss how much you guys have raised since the beginning of the year. We love each and every one of you, and we couldn't do it without you. #BeatINAD.
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